Tag Archives: banning books


I am officially done with the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy!

I would absolutely recommend these books.  They are fun and easy to read!

Several states here in the US actually banned the books from public libraries (see article here).  In my opinion, this is only going to publicize the books more and draw in additional readers… if nothing more than to see what all the hype is about (like me!).

So glad I found out about the hype!

Your turn…


I am keeping my original posts about each book (below) and adding something new to my “reading now…” page.


April 16, 2012

The next book on my list is “Fifty Shades of Grey” by E. L. James.

I am hosting a book club at www.happyhourmom.com and this is the book we are reading this month.  We’d love to have you join the Happy Hour Mom Book Club too!  Check out the link above to read more.  Once there, click on “Join Our Book Club” on the right of the page.


Here is a portion of my thoughts about “Fifty Shades of Grey” as posted on the Happy Hour Mom website:

Recently, I have heard a lot of people talking about the book “50 Shades of Grey.”  I have seen the book featured the Today Show and have heard people talking about it at work and around town.  This is the book that people are whispering about.

I always try to “keep my finger on the pulse” of the book world.  I love to read.  If someone recommends a book… I will, at the very least, do my research and check it out.  If it seems like the type of book that will interest me… I will dive right in!  I get excited because when I finish the book – I know I will have someone to discuss it with me.  ”5o Shades of Grey” is getting a lot of great press and even more great reviews. So like a must-read to me!

I did not think this would be a book I’d be drawn to… but, even the readers (thousands!!) at http://www.goodreads.com gave it 4.13 out of 5 stars!   In addition, I really want to know what all the hype is about. While I am not typically influenced to read a book simply by the chatter hitting the airways, there is just something about the “50 Shades” series that has pulled me in. If for nothing more than to know what all the fuss is about, I am beyond anxious to read the that everyone is whispering about…”50 Shades of Grey.”

Apparently, this book is not for the faint of heart and has extreme sexual content.  Goodreads describes the book as “erotic, amusing, and deeply moving.”

I’d love to have you sign up for the book club and join in the fun!  This should be a great book to discuss.

April 21, 2012

Fifty Shades Darker

Okay, I finished Fifty Shades of Grey (the first book in this trilogy )and am now reading the second book.  I am actually really enjoying the books!  I guess I am a sucker for a love story (even if it comes with “extra stuff”) and I am really hoping for a happy ending.

I am also very thankful that I bought myself a Kindle recently.  I finished Fifty Shades of Grey late last night and “needed” (ha ha) to buy the next book immediately!

I hope I enjoy the second (and third) book as much as I did the first.  It’s light, easy reading and a nice change from my most recent books.  I love a deep, thought provoking book – but it’s also nice to read something you don’t have to put a lot of thought into.

The author, E.L.James, has written a great trilogy that will keep a person reading!

April 25, 2012

Fifty Shades Freed

I’ve started Fifty Shades Freed and so far, I love it.  It still has a lot of sex, but it also has a little mystery in this one.  It also has a lot of sex, did I mention that?

I am still glad to be reading this trilogy.  I have tried to get others to read it, but some have a preconceived notion that its only about sex.  Really, if that was all there was, I would not keep reading it.  There was enough in the first book…

I like the characters and the story line… the sex is just an added bonus.

fifty shades, anyone?